sábado, 30 de agosto de 2014


If you are looking for some interesting places to visit, please take a look!!! 

Espirito Santo is one of the twenty seven federal units of Brazil. It's located in southeast and the area is about 46,095.583 square kilometers. The Capital is Vitoria and the most popular city is Serra. Other important cities are: Aracruz, Cariacica, Cachoeiro de Itapemirim, Colatina, Guarapari, Linhares, São Mateus, Viana and Vila Velha. A person who was born in Espirito Santo is called " capixaba" or espírito-santense". The capital Vitoria is an important port of iron ore

There are some highlighted products like coffee, rice, cocoa, sugar cane, bean, fruits and corn

There is a beef and dairy cattle

They are manufactured food products, wood, cellulose, textiles, furniture and steel. 

There are a lot of famous parties. Some of them are: " The Polenta Party" in Venda Nova do Imigrante, " Festa da Penha" in Vila Velha and the Festival of Art and Music in Alegre. 

The main cultural entities of state are located in the capital: " Federal University of Espirito Santo", " Historical and Geographical Institute", Espirito Santense Association of Press", " Espirito Santense  Academy of Letters", Espirito Santense Association of Jurists", " Espirito Santense Arcadia", " Medical Association of Espirito Santo", " Female Academy of Letters", " Institute of Lawyers", " Capixaba Center of Folklore" and " Espirito Santense Institute of History, Geografic and Religious Art". There is in Cachoeiro de Itapemirim " The Cachoeirense Academy of Letters". 

The highlighted theater in the capital is: "Carlos Gomes Theater"

Source: http://www.sefaz.es.gov.br/painel/images/Tcg1.JPG

The Biological Museum "Professor Mello Leitão"

 It's located in Santa Teresa and it is one of the best library in the world specialized in fauna and flora of the country. 

The Anchieta Palace 
Source: http://midias.folhavitoria.com.br/files/2014/04/palacio-anchieta.jpg
It's located the State Government 


 The Moscoso Park 
Source: www.skyscrapercity.com
The Port 
Source: http://www.revistaportuaria.com.br/arquivos/noticia_1216298554487f3e3a7b27c.jpg


Source: www.praiases.blogspot.com

Source: www.tripadvisor.com.br 

Source: www.skyscrapercity.com
On the Espirito Santo coast :

 "Guriri" in São Mateus
Source: http://www.coberturaproenduro.com.br/wp-content/uploads/2014/02/guriri.jpg

Source: http://www.marataizes.es.gov.br/Arquivo/images/PAG/Marata%C3%ADzes%20es.jpg

Source: http://www.portaldepiuma.com.br/wp-content/uploads/2012/09/portaldepiuma.jpg

Source: www.skyscrapercity.com

Source: http://www.mochileiros.com/upload/galeria/fotos/20120326154711.jpg

Conceição da Barra
Source: www.conceicao-da-barra.blogspot.com 
Where you can see dunes of the river bar Itaunas 
Source: http://www.guiadolitoral.uol.com.br/imgnoticia/Ita%C3%BAnas_vista.jpg

Mountain range in Espirito Santo:

 Domingos Martins

Santa Teresa 
Source: http://www.pousadamontblank.com.br/images/gallery/image_07_b.jpg
Rio Novo
Source: www.88naestrada.blogspot.com

  Parque Nacional do Caparaó
 Itabira Peak

Source: www.skyscrapercity.com
 Frade and  Freira Stone in Cachoeiro de Itapemirim

Traditional food:

  Capixaba Pie 
Source: http://midias.folhavitoria.com.br/files/2014/04/torta-4.jpg

 Capixaba Fish Stew 
Source: http://www.turismo.es.gov.br

The informations here are from: 

And if you want to read more about it,

That's all, guys!!!

By Teacher Ron Gleison 

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